Cashin’ In with Affiliate Programs

If you are not making a ton of money with affiliate programs, you will need to try and figure out why. We all know a good affiliate program can be hard to come by.

Here are a few that I really like, and have been with for a while:

1. Progressive Health

2. Zenmed

Before spending a lot of time and money marketing an affiliate program, always check it out first. There are a number of ways to do this.

1. Search through the hundreds of affiliate directories online and look for comments about it.

2. Ask them how many affiliate they have, and what the top earners are making, as well as the average affiliate.

3. Give the program a trial run – just enough to make a few sales that will allow you to recieve a payment from them. This will ensure they pay as offered.

4. Spread the word! Lots of affiliate money stays on the table because we do not refer others. If you know other affiliates, send them an email and let them know about your new program. Of course, send your affiliate link id to earn 2nd tier revenue if possible!

To see my favorite affiliate programs, please visit

About the Author

Jamie Ratliff has been in the affiliate marketing business for years. He currently offers advice to beginner and intermediate affiliate marketing websites. He has a website at

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